Land Conversion in Desa Ciburial

Land Conversion in Desa Ciburial
Land Conversion in Desa Ciburial

Karsono, Bambang and Wahid, Julaihi (2009) Land Conversion and Its Impacts on Environmental Sustainability, Case Study: Desa Ciburial Kabupaten Bandung, West Java – Indonesia. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Construction in Developing Economies: Commonalities Among Diversities, 5 – 7 October 2009, School of Housing Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang – Malaysia.

Environmental ecologies are the backbone of human life on the earth. The damaged on the environmental ecologies will cause the inability for the next generation to sustain their needs. Urban needs and activities were usually pushed out into the rural area which is belief to have clean air and less built up space.

Rural area became the favorite place for the urban-dwellers to lay down their urban services and amenities which huddles up all requirements of needs as required by their life style. The land conversion of rice-field or horticultures-field into leisure purposes is the new phenomenon that is taking place in Desa Ciburial.

This phenomenon inadvertently will disturb and charge the linearity of the environmental ecologies. Desa Ciburial is located in the northern part of the city of Bandung. The village has potential natural values which have a special character that cannot be found in other areas of Bandung.

Its topography which is mainly consists of highland creates a panoramic view of Bandung. These views have been enjoyed by the villagers for decades. These phenomenological intrusions trigger a new caution among the villagers which will spread vastly for accommodating the urban needs, majority of which are mainly used for cafés, restaurant and house-villas.

Subsequently, the Desa Ciburial became a centre of new land development i.e from the rice and horticultures field into built-environments. Non-linearity will cause a break down of the ecological system which later influences the lost of biological diversities and lead to permanent environmental damaged (irreversible).

The paper will delve into the above negative impact of the land conversion where the research will use the qualitative data’s from the fieldworks and direct and indirect observations together with in-depth interviews with the villagers and government representatives.

The analysis will be describes further according to the various techniques in exploratory research. Finally, the paper envisages to give recommendations to improve the damaged on the environmental ecologies.

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